

主演:沃伦·比蒂,娜塔莉·伍德,奥黛丽·克里斯蒂,帕特·亨格尔,芭芭拉·洛登,佐拉·兰帕特,弗雷德·斯图尔特,乔安娜·鲁斯,约翰·麦戈文,Jan Norris,马蒂娜·巴特利特,加里·洛克伍德,桑迪·丹尼斯,克丽丝特尔·菲尔德,玛拉·亚当斯










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  故事发生在堪萨斯州的南部小城中,巴德(沃伦·比蒂 Warren Beatty 饰)是一个满脑子都是奇思妙想的高中生,一次偶然中,他邂逅了名为蒂尼(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰)的女孩。蒂尼的美丽和温柔深深的吸引着巴德,令他坠入了情网,巴德甚至在内心里暗暗的 发誓,此生一定要将蒂尼娶回家。  然而,在民风保守的小镇上,这两个年轻人之间的恋情很快就遭到了双方家人的强烈反对,他们都对这两颗真挚的心嗤之以鼻。在一连串的波折和打击之下,自暴自弃的巴德竟然和蒂尼的同学(奥黛丽·克里斯蒂 Audrey Christie 饰)上了床。得知了此消息,蒂尼的精神崩溃了。与爱何关归来否?33分侦探邱少云王者少年赌场大劫案奇犬良缘小鬼三个爸1991金牌评论员第二季爱您爱到杀死您是谁来敲门罗戈帕格佐格大祸临头第二季欲奴奇妙能力哥怂鬼游戏情陷百乐门蔑视:残酷不伦史单反相机瓦尔哈拉连环谋杀第一季我心深处1978挤痘大师第二季纨绔子弟 电影版飞狗巴迪5:排球健将罗布泊幽陵女子监狱第四季婚姻,还是房子狙击手:遗产他从火光中走来又见牡丹亭任务迷走72小时复仇的利齿沧海秘密之丘破局锦衣卫报告老板第二季密语者谁人了解我尘土飞扬一枪毙命群山水手唐伯虎点秋香国语版


 1 ) [Film Review] Splendor in the Grass (1961) 8.2/10

Two teenagers falling in love in Kansas 1928, Deanie and Bud (Wood and Beatty) are the ne plus ultra of high school sweethearts, he is a jockey born with a silver spoon, she is as lovely as a storybook princess, both parents are quite content with their pairing, then why, in Kazan’s SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS, apart from the fallout of the imminent and fateful Crash of 1929, their lives will be permanently scarred, and both opt for a settling-for-less middle ground.

As incisive as Kazan’s brand constantly boasts, here the bane is sexual repression and the bigotry from the moral majority, Bud is eager to marry Deanie as he can barely keep his libidinous urge in check, while Deanie, dinned into behaving like a “good girl” by her mother (Christie, giving the performance of her lifetime here, brings so much deeper pathos and affection from a conventional mother figure, and completely subverts our usual question: is she a good or bad mother? Her quiddities can be applied to more than a generation of women and then some, and her insularity is a sign of the times), is fretted by whether or not she should “go all the way” with the boy she madly loves. Also, the prevailing double standard between different sexes plays a crucial role to drive them apart, as a male, Bud has an easier solution to his problem, all he needs is the help of a different kind of girl, but his self-seeking conduct terminally disturbs Deanie, pushing herself to the extreme and she is sent away to a psychiatric institution.

Since then, their paths only converge in the end, and Inge’s Oscar-winning script considerately conceives a more auspicious direction for Deanie, albeit the mental distress, she recovers and finally can make her peace with Bud, and her family fares much better in the aftermath of the financial catastrophe than Bud’s. Also Wood unequivocally delivers her best performance ever, Deanie’s vulnerability and anguish are elicited to an electrifying effect through her all-pouring commitment, though Wood still feels insecure to deglamorize her screen persona, however, under the tutelage of Kazan, that sense of insecurity becomes a bonanza which pointedly characterizes Deanie’s own plight. Wood looks particularly heartbreaking during the treacherous drowning scenes, we all know her blamed tragedy, that really casts a pall here.

Beatty, in his film debut, already struts his stuffs which will make him a movie star, his Bud is virile, seductive, but also unpretentious, a quality soon will desert him as he matures and his star is rising. Here, Beatty’s most astounding act is actually neither with Deanie, nor with Bud’s overbearing and paternalistic father (played by a gimpy Hingle blasting every line into our cochlea with maximal volume, a pyrrhic victory of acting for my money, though I would appreciate someone who could be less forceful), but the dramatic charge between Bud and his promiscuous sister Ginny (Loden), the black sheep of the family, who rebels in the most radical, tactless, self-destructive way. But being the member of the weaker sex, Ginny can never win, she is the victim of a phallocratic society, which makes the scene where she slaps Bud in the face such an instance of emotion-packed effusion, Loden, who was romantically involved with Kazan at that time, is also uncompromisingly baring it all to audience’s utter amazement.

Festooned by David Amram’s richly boisterous jazz soundtrack, and albeit the eye-rolling adults-playing-teens factitiousness, Kazan’s SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS is a searing social drama full of hearts, theatrics and delectation, it potently reminds us the fight against human bigotry, sexism and paternalism is a never-ending battle, and we shall never let up.

referential entries: Kazan’s WILD RIVER (1960, 7.5/10); Robert Mulligan’s LOVE WITH THE PROPER STRANGER (1963, 7.7/10).

 2 ) 有时候出路就在一转身


 3 ) Splendor in the Grass

 “Though nothing can bring back the hour
  Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower
  We will grieve not, but rather find
  Strength in what remains behind.”

 4 ) Splendor in the Grass

It works wonders when beautiful verses are weaved in with plots, especially as motifs. It struck you time and time again and made an ever so strong echo in your mind and heart.

William Wordsworth is probably my favorite poet in the English literature. I love his "I Wondered Lonely". The lines where the title of this movie comes from are also impressively beautiful, making the movie as poignant as possible.

Natalie Wood is so convincing as the tormented, love-sick young girl brought up to be good. And the debut of Warren Beatty is quite successful.

Natalie's portrait of madness is not over the top, thank goodness.

The movie ends on a good note, maybe still too good to be true. People sent to a mental institute do no usually turn out that normal due to the medical conditions at that time. Still, it's Hollywood and it got to end that way.

Bravos to the writer, the director and the crew.

Pitch perfect.

 5 ) 华兹华斯的诗

《To Eternity》(william wordsworth 华兹华斯) What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower We will grieve not, but rather find Strength in what remains behind. 曾经那么辉煌美丽的景色 从我的眼前永远地消失 再也没有灿烂的阳光 壮美的草原, 和艳丽的花朵 没有悲伤, 我们会从 现有的一切汲取力量。

 6 ) 很多年前在电视上看过,以为忘记了……



Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass,of glory in the flower, we'll grieve not,rather find strength in what remains behind.

  • 小太陽
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哇噢!卡赞卡赞!英奇英奇!强强联手的大经典!再加上两位主角的传奇性,此片堪比欲望号街车!如此庸俗的故事,如此妥帖的展示和追问啊!看过此片,无因的反叛便也不再独占青春电影的鳌头!娜塔莉伍德居然是如此棒的!简直是女版的JAMES DEAN。沃伦贝蒂就依然是那么的男妓范儿,四处媚笑难怪此役红不出

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7.5 故事类《瑟堡的雨伞》:纯爱受制于家庭压力或命运摆布,最终物是人非的炎凉戏码。作为“美国三部曲”之二,重点看卡赞对20年代美国大萧条背景的还原、对社会(尤其南方小镇)性压抑致变态的白描,及男女主颜值。剪得溜好评。

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这是第二次在电影中听到华兹华斯的《不朽颂》“We will grieve not,rather find strength in what remains behind”…喜欢结局时Angelina靠在门边欲言又止的样子,Bud用吻堵住了问题和回答-你是爱我?还是感激我呢?

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芙芙跟Arnaud Desplechin 聊德米的时候说自己很喜欢这个片子,跟“秋水伊人”里的爱情非常相似。戏里戏外均是时光不可逆,芙芙也说可惜看得太晚,没法跟德米分享这种观感。Natalie Wood 青春可人,而如果把Deanie、Geneviève 跟“编织的女孩”里的阿姨相比,她俩加起来都比不上阿姨。嗯。

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Are you happy? Am I happy? 快乐(幸福)已不是我(们)再能想到的词了。“没有属于年轻人的时代”,光彩的泡沫压迫着年轻人,本以为会在欲望的河水里消逝,或者在大萧条前夕喷薄而出。但是都没有,导演太善良了——阳光那样好,即使汽车驰过灰尘扬起。沃伦•比蒂爱了爱了。

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