Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waitin’ for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailin’.
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watchin’ for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms I’d go sailin’.
It's far beyond the stars
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon.
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailin'.
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet … I know we'll meet … beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailin'.
No more sailin' …
So long sailin' …
Bye, bye sailin'...
Move on out, captain …
So long, ensign …
Finding Nimo(海底总动员)是我家闺女们常看的片子,结尾的那首Somewhere beyond the sea她们也能哼哼几句。前年有部也是表现歌星生活的传记片,名字就叫 Beyond the Sea,编剧导演和主演是奥斯卡得主Kevin Spacey 。影片的主人公Bobby Darin出身贫寒,小时候即患有心脏病,在母亲的鼓励下开始走上歌舞之路。其实他一直认作母亲的女人是他的外祖母,他是个私生子,其亲生母亲一直被他当做姐姐。婚姻生活也比较离奇,他的妻子Sandra Dee 是童星出身,其母为挣钱谎报了她的年龄,她嫁人的时候才16岁。为了和死亡争夺时间,Bobby Darin拼命工作,到处演唱、拍电影,曾经获得奥斯卡的提名,37岁就离开了人世。Beyond the Sea不是他最早演唱,但他的版本比较有名。
在影片中Kevin Spacey 亲自演唱,有评论说比原唱还要好。没听过原唱,不好比较,不过感觉比Walk the Line那两位主演唱得要好得多。不过Kevin Spacey演出时 的年纪比Bobby Darin去世时还大8岁,看他和小姑娘谈恋爱我觉得很不舒服。作为编导还算称职,这是他导演的第二部作品,不知他是否会向前发展。
有意思的是,贝托鲁齐的The Dreamers(戏梦人生)也以那首歌曲为主旋律,歌曲在影片中反复播放,令我怀疑这首歌曲原来就是法文的,从听者的感觉来看,法文版的演唱更自然顺畅。感谢万能的GOOGLE,我今天找到了源头。果真如此。
请看英语版填词人Jack Lawrence 的叙述:
http://www.jacklawrencesongwriter.com/home.htmlThe Story Behind The Song
As with all of Trenet's songs this one was originally published by Raoul Breton in France with the title "La Mer" (The Sea). This was also the title of a lovely concert piece by Debussy. In previous years I had met M. & Mme. Breton on their New York visits and written English lyrics to their French hits. I never did direct translations; for one thing, my high school French was inadequate.
But I truly felt doing a literal translation was hardly creative so I would play the French song over and over until it became part of me. Then and only then would I start creating my lyric. In the past I had written lyrics to a couple of Trenet's French hits and when we finally met on one of his trips to the U.S. he complimented me on my work.
The Bretons came to my home in New York in '46 with recordings of "La Mer" and said that Trenet would like me to do the English lyric. I loved the unusual melody he had written but was not intrigued with his French lyric, which told about the different moods of the sea, and how they affected him.
Also, most of the recordings that had been made were somber and symphonic in feeling. I decided that my lyric would tell a different story — a romantic tale of a sea-faring lover and a land-locked lover waiting on a golden shore for his return.
I would like to quote from an article by Will Friedwald that appeared in the 2002 music issue of Vanity Fair. He wrote:
"Lawrence's words to "Beyond The Sea" constitute a lyric of the highest order. He started by adding that one word: beyond, and that drove the entire song. In the song's middle section Lawrence goes beyond "beyond" by using the word as the linchpin of a series of phrases, each with a slightly different meaning. "Beyond a star... Beyond the moon... Beyond a doubt" The word star arrives on an accidental C-sharp, which charges the phrase with unexpected oomph and gives the word an especially starry feeling. Changing the title, paradoxically, allowed Lawrence to remain phonetically faithful, at least, to Trenet's original: in Trenet's text each 8 bar "A" section begins with the words "La Mer"; in Lawrence's version each of these sections commences with "Somewhere" so that the English lyric has the same sonic feel as the original."
Thank you, Will, for the clarity of your explanation. It's so nice to know that the workings of one's mind are being appreciated by experts.
Let me continue with more of Will's article:
"For all the craftsmanship of Lawrence and Trenet, "Beyond The Sea" was not an instant hit in America. The early recordings were surprisingly heavy. Benny Goodman recorded it with a string orchestra in 1947 and Tex Beneke cut it with his Glenn Miller orchestra. (An air check survives of Beneke playing it with Ronnie Deauville, a crooner who was almost impossible to distinguish from the young Sinatra. This track has been circulated by collectors as a Miller-Sinatra recording). For ten years or so the song lay dormant."
One day at the publisher's offices I ran into a new young singer with a distinctive style. He was brash and a bit cocky but rather refreshing and his name was Bobby Darin. He didn't hesitate to tell everyone that someday he would be as popular as Sinatra. I gave him a copy of "Beyond The Sea" and asked him what he thought of it. He said he liked some of the recordings he'd heard but he felt the song lacked a definite beat. A few months later he sent me his latest album and there was "Mack The Knife" and "Beyond The Sea" done to a crisp with an infectious toe-tapping beat and Bobby's inimitable delivery. Everyone in the business will agree that Bobby Darin's version turned those two songs into mega-hits.
Through the years, after his untimely death, there has been repeated talk of one of the big studios filming THE BOBBY DARIN STORY. Recently, Kevin Spacey announced that for years he has been eager to star in that role. Some say he may be a bit long in the tooth to play that youngster but let's wait and see. After all, he's an Oscar winner.
我喜欢!喜欢那样的音乐 喜欢那时侯的美国 喜欢怀旧 喜欢爵士 乡村...
励志片 爱情片 反战片
音乐很赞 但是还是觉得有那么点乏味
基本上就是凯文·史派西的个人秀,戏王唱的真不错,纸牌屋里随口唱了几句pretty polly,真该多唱几句。★★★
Kevin你这拍舞台剧呢|||| 他当不了电影导演,但是歌唱得真销魂,那首The Curtains Fall啊啊啊啊啊迷死人了!必须要OST!
其实何必拍片,直接出张翻唱唱片得了= =|||这部之后,KS基本是向认真演电影的生涯说再见了。
越看下去越好看~love kevin
Somewhere Beyond The Sea
编剧导演和主演奥斯卡得主Kevin Spacey ,唱歌对百老汇摸打了许多年的Kevin轻而易举啊!喜欢歌舞片,轻松!
网上对这部电影以及原型介绍甚少 没法了解凯文是怎么练就这身技艺的 但不是谁都能像那几个大神一样 又编又导又演还能拿奖的