On a cold November night in 1993, Wanda Lopez was stabbed to death while she worked at a Corpus Cristi Texas gas station. 21 year old Carlos DeLuna was arrested, and over the next six years, through his trial and subsequent imprisonment he protested his innocence, declaring that it was another Carlos who committed the crime. The prosecution insisted that this other Carlos was a “phantom’ and didn’t exist.
Through illuminating interviews with witnesses, Carlos’ family members, and legal experts the film asks, for the first time since 1993, if the judicial system executed an innocent man, examining key evidence that calls into question whether or not Carlos DeLuna was right about the other Carlos. Was he a phantom after all, or was he a brutal killer, and did a poor Hispanic young man have any chance within a justice system and a society that by it's actions seemed to regard him as disposable? —Deborah Rudolph
热播电视剧最新电影逐水移樗爸爸去哪儿 第三季恐吓包裹2:火辣查德的复仇窈窕赌女2神之手真的要结婚吗2022罪恶赎金现代爱情罗小黑战记大电影滑动门大地情深单行桥第一季青春烈火意外边缘背离泰迪熊初恋教我的18件事牙狼:红莲之月黄金罗盘嗜睡症2017勇者无畏月随人归非常敢想队少年食人魔妈妈您在哪儿Re:从零开始的休息时间第二季赖家王老五缘来柿你之告白
[Liebman] The proper function of law is to establish the truth. And whatever the truth is, that’s what we really mean by justice. In this case, the truth didn’t come out. 法律的真正意义在于确定真相,不管真相是什么,这就是我们所谓的正义。但在这个案件中,真相并没有浮出水面。——没有经过法律确认的事实,没有经过刑事调查和审判的真相与罪行,也只有上帝和电视机前的观众看得到或自由心证了。
看得我也开始质疑死刑了……极刑大概是要建立在完美运作的司法体系上才行啊 但那么多人 那么多环 哪有那么多完美呢
What a coincidence🙃但是我一直真好奇的是 对于板上钉钉的罪犯 辩方律师是怎么克服心理障碍为他辩护的🥹
Texas likes to kill people to show people that killing people is wrong. Well, sometimes they kill innocent people.
纪录片 一件冤假错案,看了这个很多人会觉得废死还是有基础的 这种西部小镇氛围是不是像南方宗族一样 外面来的人天生被孤立
这种小镇自治的理念下有时候也产生问题 地方权力掌握哲一顿瞎搞 外面还干涉不到 甚至都不了解这里的情况