The first and third features from English filmmaker J Blakeson, who most certainly has a partiality for dark and queer characters. TDoAC is a three-person hostage thriller shot on a shoestring, in the mode of William Wyler’s THE COLLECTOR (1965), only more ascetic and messier.
The titular Alice Creed (Arterton) is a rich daddy’s girl, who is kidnapped by two ex-convicts Danny (Compston) and Vic (Marsan), things would go peachy for everyone had it not been the fact that Danny is Alice’s ex-boyfriend, and once this cardinal information is divulged, the whole shebang veers to murkier waters as viewers cannot ascertain who among the three would be the victor, each one seems to an unknown quantity.
The craft on show is adroit, the opening wordless sequences are neat and bracing shot and edited, they smooth the way for audience to gear up for what it is coming - a typical hostage situation set in a single, drab location, where a voluptuous Arterton has to undergo some roughhousing, being gagged, tied, undressed (the usual suspects of S&M fantasy), redressed, and later choked and slapped, but most humiliating of it all, urinating to a bedpan in front of two masked kidnappers.
Well, Blakeson does not actually go to extremes on the path to a torture porn, instead he manipulates various plot twists in a canny way that each time, when a character achieves some sort leverage, the table will be turned in a trice. Also, the fluidity of sexuality plays a major part in the double-cross/counter-double-cross gamesmanship, can sweet nothings soften the gun barrel pointing at your face? Twice out of three you might not luck out.
The long and short of it, TDoAC is an absorbing debut feature mines brilliantly into its meager resource and the outstanding performances from its three players. Can a cowing Eddie Marsan transform himself into a meek lover? You must see for yourself; whereas Martin Compston portrays Danny’s bisexual oscillation with adequacy and Arterton goes for broke in her birthday suit, when all is said and done, countering to what its title alludes to, “disappearance” could be a blessing in disguise.
However, in I CARE A LOT, a Rosamund Pike’s feminist vehicle, Blakeson’s irony and sarcasm goes pitch black. Pike plays a ruthless con woman Marla Grayson, who operates a company legally acquiring the guardianship of elderly people through a duplicitous scheme (often assisted by unscrupulous doctors and inane judges), so their assets are completely at her disposal (though on the face of it, the juridical procedures feel rather facile).
Her gravy train hits a snag when she milks a wrong cow, Jennifer Peterson (a nonplussed then fuming Wiest is always a corker), the apparently perfect candidate, affluent, childless, all alone in the world, actually has a formable friend at court, the Russian mafia boss Roman Lunyov (Dinklage). So when the gloves are off, it is Marla and her girlfriend Fran (González) versus the murderous gangsters, do they have a chance? Or, shall we care?
The answer is yes and no, the ineptitude of Roman’s riffraff is astonishingly shocking (what can you say? they botch not one but two cases of snuffing a defenseless, unconscious woman!), and Marla is depicted as an amoral overachiever, a stony-faced ballbuster, a totally unregenerate bitch (not a scintilla of remorse can be traced on her face), ergo, that really puts audience off from empathizing with her, save for the pungent disgust towards the American Dream she is spoiling for.
If its paint-by-number predator/prey dichotomy sounds trite, its David and Goliath tale seems incredulous and oversimplified, what saves I CARE A LOT from heading to the abyss is Pike. Tricked out in fetching attire and unflappable towards any threats shot at her from the other sex, her Marla is “Amazing Amy” with a vengeance and irrefragably batting for the other team (her affection for Fran is genuine, a viewer might second-guess Marla’s unspecified backstory, how her reprehensible carapace could be the outgrowth of the malefic influence inflicted by the world at large, and Fran’s female warmth becomes her only safe haven). Even in the absence of cordial redeeming feats, it is still riveting to watch Pike’s Marla in action, her fearlessness is both scary and inspiring, you hate her guts but also crave for her guts (or maybe just a part of) ambivalence is here to stay.
At last, Blakeson plumps for poetic justice to put paid to Marla’s unstoppable ascension (can it be construed as a veiled pro-gun testimony? In the United States, the only way for a poor, miserable guy to seek justice from a powerful woman is to use anti-personnel weaponry, how reassuring!), but it feels bathetic, unlike Martin Scorsese’s THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013), Blakeson doesn’t know how to dream up a proper coda for a repulsive character, he settles for the safest exit strategy, since everything in I CARE A LOT is Manichaean.
Elsewhere, a debonair Messina lights up the screen as an unethical, soigné lawyer who tries and fails to railroad Marla into dancing to his tunes; Dinklage is always an atypical screen magnet, here his surly temperament is a good match with Pike’s posh sharpness. From TDoAC to I CARE A LOT, the production design goes from drab to hip, Marc Canham’s hypnotic electronic buzz swells and intensifies, but Blakeson’s script and imagination seems to be impeded by a bigger scale and more handsome budget, is it the downside of the money monster?
referential entries: William Wyler’s THE COLLECTOR (1965, 8.0/10); Martin Scorsese’s THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (2013, 8.0/10).
Title: The Disappearance of Alice Creed
Year: 2009
Country: UK
Language: English
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Director/Screenwriter: J Blakeson
Music: Marc Canham
Cinematography: Philipp Blaubach
Editing: Mark Eckersley
Gemma Arterton
Martin Compston
Eddie Marsan
Rating: 6.9/10
Title: I Care a Lot
Year: 2020
Country: USA, UK
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director/Screenwriter: J Blakeson
Music: Marc Canham
Cinematography: Doug Emmett
Editing: Mark Eckersley
Rosamund Pike
Peter Dinklage
Eiza González
Dianne Wiest
Chris Messina
Isiah Whitlock Jr.
Damian Young
Nicholas Logan
Alicia Witt
Macon Blair
Celeste Oliva
Rating: 6.4/10
这部电影出场人物一共3个,场景也没几个,人物的心理活动也多,其实很适合演话剧。 一次简单的绑架充分展示了人性的复杂。心狠手辣的绑架头子临死前用尽最后的气力帮助自己刚才还想杀死的女子逃走。绑架小弟为了钱伙同别人绑架了自己的女友,但是心里又放不下她,舍不得杀她。被绑架的富家女,2次试图迷惑绑架他的男友以求逃跑均告失败,最后两个绑架犯都死了,她一开始为自己的遭遇和男友的死而哭泣,后来想到钱到她手里,又转悲为喜。从被绑架的时候就看的出来,富家女是个既坚强又精明的人。 ps:演绑架小弟Danny的颜值好,但是身材一般,还是不露的好。
两百万 100分钟 三个演员 两个场景 一部电影 爱情值多少钱?爱情换来的200万到底属于谁=紧张激烈跌宕起伏猜得着开头猜不到结局猜得到结局猜不到过程的100分钟=一共才三位演员而且大多数场景是两个人对手飙戏=一间密室一见空置的仓库完成了所有的情节的需要=一部情节紧凑张弛有力导演牵着观众鼻子走的新锐电影。 爱丽丝的失踪 演员太少了,使得三个人个个出彩,但是比较于爱丽丝的惊恐绝望大叫,小V的深藏不露凶残蛮横,丹尼才是整个电影里最为纠结最为出戏的那个角色。男猪柔弱忧郁的眼神让老段想起了一级恐惧里的诺顿,碰巧长相上也酷似后来大红大紫的诺帅哥,但是比起诺顿的处女作里面略带本色的演出,这部小电影里男猪承担了更多的责任,他是这出戏的始作俑者,将对立的绑架者和被绑架者之间有机的联系起来,说通俗一点就是是脚踏两只船,而他自己感觉还在岸上。 这部电影对于情节的推敲已经到了令人发指的地步,由于它简单的布景和一条线的故事,导演组势必在细节的处理上给足了力。就像一张白纸上下围棋,一黑一白貌似一览无余,然而却毫无规律可言。而影片最大的优势就是因为其对剧情的一再推敲,使得剧情的发展根本不具有可预见性,从而将可观赏性推到了极致。当电影开始,观众已经上了导演的过山车,没有时间和精力去恐惧和害怕,剩下的只是对这种快感的沉迷不能自拔。 片中涉及了两种爱情,同性也好异性也好,都不是显得那么纯洁和无私,200万就可以将什么信任爱情践踏的一无是处,剩下的只是相互利用,相互欺骗,相互伤害。丹尼无辜的眼神温存的话语,让你在他的世界里犹豫不决,恐怕连他自己也没有准备好 当事情朝着好多方向去的时候,你会发现压根就没有方向。 影片最后响起了优雅的音乐,天空依然蔚蓝,一切仍未改变。
很有反转和惊悚感觉的电影,节奏很好,情感表露到位,更有去年人气颇旺的杰玛·阿特登 很职业的宽衣解带,要鼓励。
这是一出舞台剧 有同有异有双
3个演员 几个场景 最大的成本是烧了个车
总共就三人出场 却将人物之间互相猜疑背叛欺骗的关系刻画得极度精细 包括监禁 捆绑 排泄 施暴 虐待 同性恋 枪杀等等要素 绑架只是个幌子 精彩部分在裸体的丹尼举枪用脚摁住旧情人的脖颈 以及最后的搏命戏码等等 唯一遗憾是维克托最后给出的钥匙 强行将结局引正了 期待导演剪辑腐二尸结局
我的天,我很怀疑给4星的你们是不是看到果体就兴奋 忘了里面那些2B的桥段??有手枪 一枪把锁头打掉就行了还傻呵呵的跑回去找钥匙2个绑匪相爱了 也就算了 之前还故意铺垫2个人关系不是很好 好嘛 后来又要上这个女的 然后 这个女的 又傻逼的很!!!!!不知所谓!