

主演:Carter Shimp,Elizabeth Laidlaw,Marcelo Wright




  Directed by Justin Denton, the pic tells the story of Rick, a poor construction worker, who makes a deal with a dying business mogul to inherit his business empire and property worth billions. The deal is that once the man dies, Rick must eat a lavish meal of the dead man’s corpse. In doing so, he unwittingly inherits the many gruesome sins and crimes the billionaire committed in order to build his fortune. Rick’s newfound wealth and lifestyle are soon interrupted by increasingly disturbing and dangerous visions of the billionaire’s victims. Rick comes to understand that his inheritance is not a blessing but a terrifying curse that threatens his life, his loved ones, and even his very soul.热播电视剧最新电影江塘集中营大自然之舞荒野大镖客之黄金劫案消防员绝密的密子小姐热血尖兵罪之声小生作反1983彬与瑛2022济众院许海峰的枪锥子素食者联盟完美求婚第34届电视剧“飞天奖”第28届电视文艺“星光奖”颁奖典礼爱的妇产科2在冲绳喜欢上的女孩子方言讲太多太棘手了乱世佳人唐嫣版第二届中国播音主持金声奖·颁奖典礼越狱第二季骨肉之躯我罩袍下的口红德黑兰第一季

