Bertie Gregory is back, and this time, the adventures are even more epic! Bertie takes us to the most spectacular corners of our planet — from Antarctica to Africa and South America to Asia – tracking down extraordinary animals to capture their daily lives like never before. Armed with drones, state-of-the-art cameras, and underwater tech, he and his team brave subzero seas, climb snow-capped mountains, and sleep suspended 120 feet in the air to reveal the challenges these animals endure, their fierce rivalries, and the threats they face on our changing planet. ANIMALS UP CLOSE WITH BERTIE GREGORY shows all the behind-the-scenes moments he and his team face while adapting to unpredictable wildlife in remote environments where filming rarely goes as planned. There is no script for this unique series, but through it all, Bertie brings the audience with him every step of the way.
热播电视剧最新电影桥第二季硬汉2008处女的烦恼无敌原始人印度制造午子风云怒 怒不灭的李舜臣他们正年轻当男人变成女人(粤语)拼凑梦想长春树你们说了算——里院来福战纸飞机2014遥远的爱黑骏马2015快送玛丹娜叶尔羌河国学小名士第六季霹雳游侠第四季维多利亚的秘密2012时装秀风暴之门会痛的十七岁社交情圣法医朝颜2男孩、鼹鼠、狐狸和马007之黄金眼国语