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  At the beginning of the season Sylvia becomes pregnant with Andy's child. A baby boy, Theo, is born towards the end of the season. This is contrasted with the fate that awaits Sipowicz's older son, Andy Jr., who announces that he is to join the police force. Andy is finally bonding with his estranged son when he is gunned down, which leads the elder Sipowicz to fall off the wagon. Andy Jr's murderers are killed themselves by Simone in an act of self defense.
  Bobby and Diane, whose relationship had been put on hold while she attended AA, resume their relationship only for Diane to begin drinking again when her abusive father beats her mother. Her father is eventually killed and her mother becomes the prime suspect.
  James Martinez and new detective Adrienne Lesniak begin an affair but only after Lesniak tells Medavoy that she is gay, then that she is not; Martinez later breaks up with her due to her controlling and unpleasant behavior, and Lesniak eventually leaves the squad. Medavoy himself leaves his wife, recognizing that she is holding him back but it is too late to save his relationship with Donna who leaves to take up a job with Apple.

热播电视剧最新电影我杀了妻子补锅英雄(粤语)地球百子第六季轻松自由我们家蜜坛子离线2012廉政风云(粤语版)男人四十圣心狄仁杰之不死修罗圣者的行进爱情灵药情迷芭塔雅万里征途测谎器一年之痒鉴你所见-阿修罗幕后纪实寻人记II粤语天堂岛疑云 第十三季与恶魔有约最美丽的小事第一季失忆症2015消失的情人节日本版歃血姐妹看见你便想念你轨道9

