• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧





主演:Yvonne Emilie Thälker,Scott Fowler,达米安·马菲,Marc Romeo




  It’s been 21 years since Scooter McCrae (SHATTER DEAD) released a new feature film, and he’s lost none of his transgressive bite. Diving straight into a brutal, strange, and upsetting scene between a man and a woman, BLACK EYED SUSAN challenges the audience within the first few moments. It’s not long, though, that the curtain is pulled back like some twisted Wizard of the Oz story, and we find out things aren’t quite as they seem. First, Susan (Yvonne Emilie Thälker) isn’t a person but rather a BDSM sex doll programmed to receive and “enjoy” the punishment of her sadistic partners. She’s the hardware of a cutting-edge tech startup aiming to push her artificial intelligence to new heights. The company that manufactures her hires the desperate Derek (Damian Maffei) to test the limits of her technology and his desires in a low-fi sci-fi horror that delves into the dark pool of love and perversion in our new tech age. - Fantasia, Justine Smith热播电视剧最新电影蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜(原声版)怪物来袭午夜钟声短信新铡美案黑帮卧底第二季天生丽质第六感第三季铁齿铜牙纪晓岚4亲爱的,我把我们缩小了火弹行动恶魔稻草人她自己外交风云2013漫长的一天结束了汉娜·盖茨比:道格拉斯三傻大闹宝莱坞冲天火(普通话版)赣水苍茫3月的狮子后篇男媒婆裁缝师之家 第三季失控2019七号禁毒组单刀直入2003三餐四季第二季北佬参军记爱德华·蒙克

