

主演:尼科·桑托斯,Kirstin Maldonado,Scott Hoying,Pentatonix






  Superstar a capella group Pentatonix is struggling to find inspiration for their annual holiday album, and the clock is ticking. To make matters worse, their well-intentioned but misguided manager mistakenly locks them in a magic mailroom. But with the help of some Disney magic, we're soon on a whirlwind tour around the world, discovering holiday traditions and inspiration from Pentatonix fans all around the globe: from Tokyo to Grenada, Ghana to Mexico and Iceland. The fun-filled journey leads the group to realize that wherever we find ourselves, the holidays offer the perfect opportunity to discover how much we have in common and that it really is a small world after all.保姆惊魂夜东方帝王谷19/20 成年初体验奇志弗兰基与爱丽丝毒蛇王后第一季心中之眼武松血战狮子楼编织记忆第二季午夜巴士保罗离去时王者天下2我的叔叔新娘未满Escape 完结篇回我的家亡命刺杀令真假公主:安娜塔西亚从天而降的一亿颗星星尼斯湖怪悍女麻辣婆媳逗一年级生CW无限地球危机和空姐一起的日子致命营救恐怖蜡像馆1953飞天猴子夺命飓风:剖析卡崔娜名利场暗道总裁虐我千百遍一代人解剖之美洛杉矶大逃亡特搜9警视厅搜査一课特別搜査班侦探成旭之龙城岁月天桥十三郎一石二鸟Ⅲ喵能战士三位调查员:龙的遗产打尸噎罗姆男孩斩1968拿破仑2023血拼大西洋

