顶尖狙击手 第二季







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顶尖狙击手 第二季综艺免费高清在线观看全集。
  For the past eight years, the U.S. Army's Sniper School at Fort Benning, Ga., has hosted the International Sniper Competition; where elite two-man teams compete to earn the coveted title of "top sniper." In this grueling competition, the participants' precision, camouflage, stalking and observational skills are put to the ultimate test.  Eighteen challenging events examine the teams' expertise in long-range shooting, urban combat and covert maneuvering through realistic conflicts and environments. Bringing together the most elite snipers from around the world, the competition showcases thirty-three teams from branches of the U.S. Army, Marines, and Air Force, and for the first time ever includes a law enforcement team-a SWAT team from Pittsburgh, Pa. The international field includes representatives from Canada, Denmark, France and Ireland. Since some military teams are comprised of active special forces, the identities of many of the competitors have been concealed in order to ensure the safety of the personnel.家有喜妇豹子头林冲之山神庙图腾2023穿刺者上传正月十五之一生一世平原游击队1955情谜 情謎犬舍惊魂正道无敌鲁迅之路旋转玛丽飓风营救2标错参国语女鬼桥吉尔伽美什人蛇欲血战我们得做些什么宝贝2015专业玩家石纪元第三季春梦了无痕(1968)美人与流血事件日本东海村核临界事故-治疗核辐射83天的记录足球教练 第二季夺宝奇兵赛尔号大电影之寻找凤凰神兽百日红你愿意嫁给他吗庭审专家第二季内战前致命女秘书致命的邂逅活起来的技艺—-年份故事末日娱乐百分百凹呜狼人杀快乐东西第三季危情拯救虫师地球公民射雕英雄传之东成西就焦点香草美人毕业总动员爱情白皮书




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