







  On a brisk day in November 1998, a doughy balding Brooklyn computer salesman was supposed to report to prison to begin serving a 17-year sentence. He rented a Ford Taurus. Drove to Queens to turn in the ankle monitor he had been wearing. He took $600 out of an ATM. Headed to JFK airport. And vanished. His name was John Ruffo. The crime he had committed was outlandish. Using forged documents and fake corporate seals, he persuaded banks to loan him $350 million. He invented a nonexistent proposition that he called “Project Star” and he used the money to gamble the millions on the stock market, becoming one of Wall Street’s high-rollers. When the FBI caught wind of his swindle, they set up a sting. At his sentencing, prosecutors made an unthinkable mistake. They agreed to let John Ruffo drive himself to prison. What followed was one of the longest and most challenging manhunts in the history of the U.S. Marshals Service. We discover a man whose life was a hall of mirrors. Secret identities, unlikely affiliations, and bogus companies are uncovered. Was he secretly helping an elite unit of FBI spy-hunters lure Soviet scientists to defect? Did he cut a deal with the mob to help him disappear? Was that him, seated behind home plate at Dodger Stadium? We join the chase as the Marshals try and resolve a case that has baffled and bewildered generations of their colleagues, crossing the globe to ask one pressing question: Have you seen this man?老板娘的房间真实的查理·卓别林神墓2020风筝小帮派窗边女孩眼中对街的屋中女子精灵梦叶罗丽2东湖梅岭毛泽东天鹅湖急诊室的故事 第三季SSSS.古立特血玫瑰蠢狗记律政佳人 第一季空中浩劫 第十九季奇迹(2022)最后的莫希干人别杀它我要求审判欲望绿洲追债大乱斗朱勒的生活海棠依旧格拉芙姐妹聆听中国交换人生女人公敌风铃邻人似银河78/52:希区柯克的洗澡戏战争与和平荷尔蒙恭喜我的前任我的冤家住对门巴比伦柏林第二季食人族出柜完美Perfect听说爱情来过浪客剑心:新京都篇前后篇宋慈之绝命诗案乔安你好亲·爱无谎液最初的我们




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