受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect







受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect 剧照 NO.1


受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect电影免费高清在线观看全集。
In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.                                                                    Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused of making up their allegations, later they are prosecuted for giving false testimony and sometimes they end up serving prison sentences. ‘VictimSuspect’ shows how the roles are reversed so the perpetrators are declared innocent while the victims sometimes end up behind bars and other times end their lives. Rae de Leon gets first-hand accounts from the women and interviews legal experts as she delves into police methods, interrogation techniques and preliminary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt system. Nancy Schwartzman charts a law enforcement agency that confuses victims and suspects and is relevant far beyond America’s borders. It is a powerful testimony to systemic failure, police handling of cases and a determined journalist’s attempt to change it.                                                                    源自:httpscphdox.dkfilmvictimsuspect进化之实踏上胜利的人生一切都一样SQN涅墨西斯黄金螺旋之谜德州巡警第一季一个人自由野钱之所在魔高一丈富滇风云史努比秀第三季激情2012路德 第一季煲车偷狗的完美方法万木春难民营风暴国语版正直地活下去玩偶奇兵狂赌之渊 双老家门口唱大戏扪心问诊 第四季起舞的皮娜赤裸狂奔舒克贝塔彩虹2022捉妖师米尼库德行动香格里拉·开拓异境~粪作猎手挑战神作~羞辱2017水中效应内特拉姆我所经历的罗布荒原罪案第六感第二季看不见的城市 第二季情战地缚少年花子君猿猴大战机械猿猴哈利波特6吃禁果的美女五品郎中“听见彼此”音乐会头文字D(粤语版)哈喽,凸先生少林四小龙



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Sundance 2023

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Never go to police all by yourself, esp if you’re the victim. 这个世界…

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2023 Sundance redstone theater. 电影一般但是故事感人,girl help girl的故事在性侵案中对抗武断的警察并追求正义,so powerful。看完全场起立鼓掌,这是narrative film无法带来的力量。也意识到documentary能带来的social impact。希望受害者收到保护。haha要做angery female

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