







  Aki and Naoko are childhood friends who are drifting apart as adults. Immersed in her family life, Naoko now has a husband and daughter; Aki, on the other hand, remains single and is on leave from work due to a personal crisis. The plot might sound familiar but it has never been told like this. The director Kusano Natsuka stages the interactions through an actors’ table-read and, as the lines are repeated, the scenes gradually develop into on-location conversations. Moreover, she repositions the dramatic peak of the story to the beginning: Aki has murdered Naoko’s daughter.  Structurally inventive, Kusano's daring cinema implements ‘distantiation’ effects to get to the heart of friendship issues at times when life has settled. While the repetitions convey the suffocation of role patterns in both friendship and family, a line left out or added in unsettles and reminds us life can take unexpected turns.偶像2019化身大明女镖师之龙凤决床上的故事匿名者敬启派对后时光妲己后传堀与宫村2021蝙蝠侠:漫长的万圣节(下)我在古代当萌探危情别墅卿何薄命之羔羊少女言之叶心头一颤完美世界裂痕第三季褓姆惊魂奈欧斯奥特曼澳门风云2粤语红酒烩鸡天明神探之面具谜踪他们在岛屿写作:愿未央尼亚孜.古尔历险记学校1993埃舍尔街的红色邮筒弱点人质2013肖恩·法瑞斯版路西法第二季年少轻狂 第二季真假僵尸斯嘉丽小姐和公爵 第二季春风吹到诺敏河魔鬼恋人 第二季超时空护卫队第一季真英雄孤胆英雄1984乡村有情恶魔少爷别吻我第一季女性思维恋爱Y世代鄂尔多斯骑士飞黄腾达 第九季破碎

