

主演:布莱恩·格林伯格,维克多·罗塞克,蕾克·贝尔,艾迪·凯伊·托马斯,Kid Cudi,Luis Guzmán





  故事的主人公Ben Epstein(Bryan Greenberg)和Cam Calderon(Victor Rasuk)是两个住在纽约市布鲁克林区的年轻人,20出头,很有进取心。他们急于融入纽约这个花花世界,通过自己的双手在竞争激烈的时尚布景界开创一片天地,实现自己的美国梦。他们不缺头脑,不缺见识,也不缺关系网,他们唯一欠缺的就是一点点运气。Cam的堂兄Rene(Luis Guzman)给了他们不少帮助,事实上他自己正在为推广一种高能饮料新品而发愁。好朋友Domingo「无所不能」的「人际关系网」也给他们的生意带来了不少好处。Lake Bell扮演女主角Rachel,Ben的前女友。Rachel正在追逐自己的事业和新男友,不想和Ben再有来往,可命运偏偏把他们又拉了回来。我们有人在撒谎班班和莉莉的小王国创业年代[DVD版]魔界奇谭第二季黑客反击计划心理医生2017一树桃花开王志文版暗影2吾父吾子一个鬼子都不留座头市2003世界奇妙物语 2019秋之特别篇唯爱好友互整大电影绝园的暴风雨学姐 可以爱我吗摆渡人(普通话版)童年往事不翼而飞造梦大师2无忧公主没有具必秀响尾蛇胖自何方?怪談片目の男355:谍影特攻垂直极限国语德鲁大叔(原声版)天地粮人无言的山丘伟大的安巴逊羊毛战记第一季暗黑之地2015律师本色第五季黑夜怪谈复仇游戏章鱼哥回归者赛马娘 第二季逆战大内神捕下一球成名天渠


 1 ) Can't knock the Hustle


Instead of writing a long-ass summary at the end of the season, I decided to pull off this critic like a journal, complete as it goes.

So, allow me to start the recap with ep 5 of the freshest TV show ever made.


Just finished ep 5, mucho tits n ass, R rated TV show gives it wings!!

First thing first, Ben nailed that amazingly-hot-ass milf for me, good job.

Domingo and Rachel's relationship is on the edge, I guess they ll soon break up.
And I also guess that Rachel's next man will be the corny north European guy, don't know how to spell his name.

Mr. Kappo, my personal favo character, is swagging as usual, sugar daddying the crew, well this time was Nancy tho.

I saw Mr. Pharrell Williams in the preview of ep6.

Sh*t starts to getting ridiculous.

Episode 6

A good TV show starts with conflicts, and ends with surprise.

In between, there shall be characters.

A SWAG TV show starts with a ridiculous HOT MILF moaning, and ends with a ridiculous HOT MILF moaning.

In between , there shall be Pharrell Williams hanging around, doing nothing but swagging.

Ep 7

Tough episode

Everybody is getting straight up bad news

And I din't even realized that next week will be the season finale

Damn what am I suppose to do on Monday nights then?!

Anyway, I think I saw Pusha-T played a Jamaican ganster, not sure tho.
But Shout out to the GOOD music family if it was him

The sound track "Crashing Down" by N.E.R.D. at the end is dope

Hope good things will happen in the season finale

Episode 8

Season Finale

I feel like just lost a family now

I don't wanna talk

