

主演:Arsen Shavlyuk,Viktor Grigoriev,Taras Shevchenko,Ivanna Borodai,Volodymyr Rashuk






  12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient alien civilization, try to disable electricity on the whole planet by deactivating the defensive shield that protects the Earth from an approaching solar wave. In this way they challenge the all-powerful and mysterious Energy that enabled humanity's technological progress and which we depend on more than ever. In this battle Vlad is helped by a transformer box called the Bobot, which holds the key to saving the world. While telling stories about fictional courage is easy, Vlad will find out that overcoming his fear in the real world is quite a challenge. Mankind's future lies solely in his hands.相伴夕阳犬犬之心神笔马良天堂岛疑云第七季反斗神鹰KING OF PRISM by PrettyRhythm鬼作秀第二季如果这叫恋爱感觉会很恶心2024北京台春晚斯巴达克斯第一季狼和羊画中情思县长当村官幽灵鬼屋2004第三只眼 2这个杀手将有难三体与刘慈欣夏天的风残余记忆29+1新警事之隐形兄弟尼罗河上的惨案1978怪物(印度尼西亚)老妈撞入电视台第一季我的老妈出柜了特勤精英[DVD版]女神捕之孽缘未生移民保姆教训 The Lesson哑巴与新娘无人生还报童传奇1992活死人少女两只老虎1985野鹅敢死队玛雅帮第三季爱是永恒战斗民族养成记

