








  On a brisk day in November 1998, a doughy balding Brooklyn computer salesman was supposed to report to prison to begin serving a 17-year sentence. He rented a Ford Taurus. Drove to Queens to turn in the ankle monitor he had been wearing. He took $600 out of an ATM. Headed to JFK airport. And vanished. His name was John Ruffo. The crime he had committed was outlandish. Using forged documents and fake corporate seals, he persuaded banks to loan him $350 million. He invented a nonexistent proposition that he called “Project Star” and he used the money to gamble the millions on the stock market, becoming one of Wall Street’s high-rollers. When the FBI caught wind of his swindle, they set up a sting. At his sentencing, prosecutors made an unthinkable mistake. They agreed to let John Ruffo drive himself to prison. What followed was one of the longest and most challenging manhunts in the history of the U.S. Marshals Service. We discover a man whose life was a hall of mirrors. Secret identities, unlikely affiliations, and bogus companies are uncovered. Was he secretly helping an elite unit of FBI spy-hunters lure Soviet scientists to defect? Did he cut a deal with the mob to help him disappear? Was that him, seated behind home plate at Dodger Stadium? We join the chase as the Marshals try and resolve a case that has baffled and bewildered generations of their colleagues, crossing the globe to ask one pressing question: Have you seen this man?

铁齿铜牙纪晓岚第一部星恋天地无限汉娜的法律青年警察学园爆笑王克莱拉陌生人2008小美人鱼的奇幻冒险魔法换换爱西伯利亚321步兵师工藤新一 京都新撰组杀人事件南家三姐妹我回来了愤怒的公牛2杀死希特勒与大脚怪的人重案组第五季网红养成记国语芒斯特一家Jewel再见双子座计划纳兰大爷黑色童话 第二季小林家的龙女仆:情人节和温泉!围捕奇异星球为什么是他?钢铁飞龙4捕梦奇兵疯狂假期迷城(2010)无法消除的“我”―复仇的连锁―阴影之中看不透你的心少年吔,安啦!失陷猩球最后的沙漠守望者运河迷踪代理情人善良的男人12岁Twelve巫人神传说后天国语天衣无缝的她




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