"Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy" A Trip to the Psychiatrist
热播电视剧最新电影不义之财:十年不晚第一季公主日记2孔雀都市杰克·莱恩 第一季我来自北京之福从天降完美店长旅行者 第二季求生一加一 第一季凶手就在我们中间语言的温度:我们的19岁追迹第一季阴声健身世界第二季真正的权力的游戏 第二季蜘蛛宝宝,或你所听说过最疯狂的故事刹那的光辉哥斯拉2:怪兽之王(原声版)造浪目击者2012完美陌生人2024白求恩:一个英雄的成长安眠实验甜甜的那家伙I think the funniest part might be the subtitles crewn at the beginning of the movie, OK let me copy it down: It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden But you know this story. What you may not know is that 20th Century Fox had so little faith in the "Star Wars" franchise that George Lucas keep all the merchandising rights. Are you listening stockholders? How can you invest in a company that makes such short-sighted decisions? I mean, this the same company that canceled "Family Guy" twice. Who's running that joint? Monkeys? I mean, if they're gonna be foolish with their money, then I guess that means we can be foolish with their money, too. Like spending a bunch of it to animate a computer-generate cartoon elephant that has nothing to do with the rest of the episode. Did you see that? Know what that cost? $58,000. I mean, what waste. It wasn't even that funny. That's $58,000 that could have gone to curing leukemia. Or muscular dystrophy. Or... what does Michael J. Fox have? That. Alright, let's watch some goddamn cartoons. Of course I don't copy it down and just make it a blog, I like it because I think it is much more funny than the rest of the movie. As a senior Star Wars fan, you may not be impressed by the plot, but these words were really fascinating.
"hsihssss ahhhh, shhsss ahhhh, shhhh ahhhh, shssss ahhhh, shhsss ahhhh, shhhh ahhhh" -Peter
我还以为是family guy穿越了 想不到是整部恶搞呀 哈哈哈哈
没看过星战的请不要评价 恶搞之级啊 刚出字幕就笑死我了
熟悉的乐曲,黑底蓝字,浮现出:A long time ago,when the gays were'nt all in your face about it.......!!!!!兴致立马来了
sth sth sth~~~
第一次看恶搞之家 真人恶搞都那么多 动画片如果只是这么单纯的恶搞实在是没什么新意 不是星战迷 所以虽然笑点低也只是礼节性的笑了几处……
就算没有《Star Wars》的特别篇也是相当精彩的一季!Lois的迪士尼版美爆!Meg的日语发音真顺溜!真人版的Stewie和Brian好惊悚!这季度Brian干了Quagmire的爹,这两个人算是彻底闹僵了,不过感觉Quagmire斥责Brian的那集,对他的评价大多都是正确的,Brian并没有他自认为的这么聪明,反而虚荣占了多数…