他们是等待法庭判决的被告,这是他们的故事。同性恋异装癖的特雷西(Tracie)遭受着无数白眼和嘲讽,当他以为自己最终找到真爱时,却没有想到男友杀死妻子后骗他协助沉尸,特雷西也因此被怀疑参与了谋杀;单身母亲莫(Mo)因不肯向黑帮屈服,结果她的儿子遭黑帮威胁杀了好友独子,为了保护儿子,她忍受着良心谴责试图全家搬离, 但最终难逃法网;17岁的斯蒂芬(Stephen)正经历丧母之痛,他的父亲已经与曾照料母亲的护士同居,在他眼中恶毒的后妈想尽办法要除掉自己和弟弟,于是他将利刃捅向了对方身体;斯蒂芬在狱中自杀,作为看护的蒂娜(Tina)原本想帮同事隐瞒,但她最终还是揭露了真相,而为了避免斯蒂芬的悲剧重演,蒂娜私自放走了转到自己监狱的杰克(Jake),她也因为协助犯人逃跑而成为被告。
热播电视剧最新电影安然:房间里最聪明的人入侵家园蒸汽实验不能戳的秘密2:国家机器同盟高空飞行排球少年超高速!参勤交代归来火鸡总动员死亡监狱女神来了花非花驻院医生第四季恶魔App神枪独家试爱国语我们是一家人小偷演员蜡笔小新:爆盛!功夫小子~拉面之乱爱与冰激凌敢死队2010在我走之前沉默法则节食王国枕边男人Suite光之美少女♪悲剧的结果都是相同的,悲剧的原因都各个不同。这种被告的原因调查应该是很有写头的,拿着案犯卷宗拿去看,都可以写成各个不同的无奈故事,故事太多。mate & love 英剧《殊途同归》总体来说:剧集内容丰富,节奏更紧凑,情节更曲折,台词也经典,品类更多样,意义更深刻,
S02E01 Tracie: Life passed you by. Too many people waste their lives in denial, always pleasing other people, never themselves. You're long time dead. 其实是不是男扮女装,即便是异性恋,也有着同样的问题,那就是不要掺和感情,会有各种问题。
S02E02 Sean the dead… 名字很幽默,致敬电影的?!Women against guns: I can't believe I believed you. You can't take the pain away because you can't give me my son back. What you did makes your crime understandable but not excusable. 这部剧的悲剧问题其实在于政府没控制的黑社会而不在于枪或者家人的袒护,家人袒护是天经地义,无可指责的,枪击是社会造成的。
S02E03 It's too soon. A house is made of walls and beams; A home is built with love and dreams. 一个没有血缘的人是不值得如此被信任。这一集应该拍续集,男主出来揭露女主罪恶行径成功逆袭。
S02E04 Why make a fuss over scum? I'm doing it for my family. What do you do to these serious concerns? Nothing. Happy ending~
没有看过《the accused》的其他剧集,几次重温《特雷西》,只是觉得Sean Bean在剧中英伦大叔范儿的身影迷人,反反复复才有了写下些许感想的动力。片名“Tracie”译作“特雷西”,而不是比较常见的“特蕾西”,恰恰体现了翻译者的用心,点出了柔和中显著的雄性元素,使人感觉特别且另有深意,写照出Tracie虽爱好女士妆扮,但他身形魁梧,妥妥一副男儿身躯。
按Simon自己的话说,他觉得自己是“全天下最无聊的男人”。只有到夜幕降临,变装成内心的“good-time girl”Tracie,他才开始尽情享受生活。虽然白天一切将回归“正常”,他将回到压抑的教室,面对一群浑噩的学生,讲授他不爱的英文诗。与其他男人的不同,Tony的一次次折返,以及他编造的丧偶谎言,让Tracie对他逐渐产生厮守的期望,但她也希望得到Tony认真的对待,而不是被“taken for granted”。Tracie期望也在谎言拆穿后破灭了,而这也将Tony自私的本性推向顶点。
整集中不时闪现那首英文叙事长诗《the lady of Shalott》的片段,借助诗中Sharlotte姑娘在发现爱人前后的改变和决断,映衬出Simon在不同境遇下的心态,更传达了两个人物为爱冒险的共鸣。感觉这也给本集增加了一些神幻、古典、浪漫的情调。但Simon并不会受到Shalott遭遇的诅咒,本集结尾Tacie的微笑,也似乎暗示她与Sharlotte同运不同命,她洗刷清白,得以继续自己的生活,得以用行动改写Sharlotte因诅咒殒命的结局。
既然是审判题材的影视作品,对案件庭审过程的呈现必然也是每集的核心。Tracie为自身做无罪辩护的那段算是整集中最扣剧题的一段了。其中不乏令人印象深刻的片段。主审法官允许Simon着被捕那天的装束二次出庭,在出庭时体恤地问道“What shall I call you?”最终陪审团在听取Tracie的陈述之后,一致得出了无罪的结论。虽然没有对陪审团内心活动的过多描绘,但从陪审团给出的结论来看,本集传达出陪审团成员更多在于专注于案件事实本身,并没有因为Simon的取向和爱好,影响对他在本案中行为的定性,多多少少也反映了审判人员对当事人内生选择的尊重和接纳吧。这也与片头找Tracie茬者的偏见与狭隘形成强烈的对比。其实纵观整个剧情,我们也必然会认为Tracie是无罪的,但就结果而言,越接近公正,越表明审判者克服了自我的喜恶志趣对定性他人行为的干扰。
伴随着BGM响起,压抑的预感直接涌上来,第一次打开的时候是半夜,没有勇气看下去,于是选择了一个阳光明媚的早晨~ 第一集的主题选择了边缘人中的边缘人,没想到最后给了一个HE。一直惴惴不安地等,等陪审团说“guilty”,又隐隐期盼着那个“not”。 这一集讲的,就是一个关于美丽的故事。 豆叔展现真实的自我上街,是他自信的美丽;面对各色人等的不屑和蔑视,能保持住平静的心,是从容的美丽;而为了自己的爱人,是绽放的美丽。 看到一半就太揪心,次次为了等待爱人的到来,精心打扮;面对电话留言机里的哀求,总是忍不住就pick up;为了Tony的一句“我们一起走”,瞬间绽放笑容;轻快地跑着下楼梯的脚步,还有在课堂上的激情朗诵,简直是整个人都亮了起来。 而对方是那样的狰狞,在人来人往的大街上甩狠话,将现实的生活和夜晚完完全全分割开来。Tony是懦弱的,正如诸多出轨的男人,口口声声说着我爱我的妻子,一边却拼命搅动自己心中那所谓的“死水”。 之所以说是HE,还因为Tony在看到Simon出狱时,那个带着愧疚和喜悦的笑容。 在网上找出来了那首诗, 开始只是作为亚瑟王的历史迷,对camelot这个词条件反射,后来大叔念来的感觉,听起来好美 The Lady of Shallott Part I. On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold and meet the sky; And thro' the field the road runs by To many-tower'd Camelot; And up and down the people go, Gazing where the lilies blow Round an island there below, The island of Shalott. Willows whiten, aspens quiver, Little breezes dusk and shiver Thro' the wave that runs for ever By the island in the river Flowing down to Camelot. Four gray walls, and four gray towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent isle imbowers The Lady of Shalott. By the margin, willow-veil'd Slide the heavy barges trail'd By slow horses; and unhail'd The shallop flitteth silken-sail'd Skimming down to Camelot: But who hath seen her wave her hand? Or at the casement seen her stand? Or is she known in all the land, The Lady of Shalott? Only reapers, reaping early In among the bearded barley, Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly, Down to tower'd Camelot: And by the moon the reaper weary, Piling sheaves in uplands airy, Listening, whispers "'Tis the fairy Lady of Shalott." Part II. There she weaves by night and day A magic web with colours gay. She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot. She knows not what the curse may be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care hath she, The Lady of Shalott. And moving thro' a mirror clear That hangs before her all the year, Shadows of the world appear. There she sees the highway near Winding down to Camelot: There the river eddy whirls, And there the surly village-churls, And the red cloaks of market girls, Pass onward from Shalott. Sometimes a troop of damsels glad, An abbot on an ambling pad, Sometimes a curly shepherd-lad, Or long-hair'd page in crimson clad, Goes by to tower'd Camelot; And sometimes thro' the mirror blue The knights come riding two and two: She hath no loyal knight and true, The Lady of Shalott. But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror's magic sights, For often thro' the silent nights A funeral, with plumes and lights And music, went to Camelot: Or when the moon was overhead, Came two young lovers lately wed; "I am half-sick of shadows," said The Lady of Shalott. Part III. A bow-shot from her bower-eaves, He rode between the barley-sheaves, The sun came dazzling thro' the leaves, And flamed upon the brazen greaves Of bold Sir Lancelot. A redcross knight for ever kneel'd To a lady in his shield, That sparkled on the yellow field, Beside remote Shalott. The gemmy bridle glitter'd free, Like to some branch of stars we see Hung in the golden Galaxy. The bridle-bells rang merrily As he rode down to Camelot: And from his blazon'd baldric slung A mighty silver bugle hung, And as he rode his armour rung, Beside remote Shalott. All in the blue unclouded weather Thick-jewell'd shone the saddle-leather, The helmet and the helmet-feather Burn'd like one burning flame together, As he rode down to Camelot. As often thro' the purple night, Below the starry clusters bright, Some bearded meteor, trailing light, Moves over still Shalott. His broad clear brow in sunlight glow'd; On burnish'd hooves his war-horse trode; From underneath his helmet flow'd His coal-black curls as on he rode, As he rode down to Camelot. From the bank and from the river He flash'd into the crystal mirror, "Tirra lirra," by the river Sang Sir Lancelot. She left the web, she left the loom, She made three paces thro' the room, She saw the water-lily bloom, She saw the helmet and the plume, She look'd down to Camelot. Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror crack'd from side to side; "The curse is come upon me," cried The Lady of Shalott. Part IV. In the stormy east-wind straining, The pale-yellow woods were waning, The broad stream in his banks complaining, Heavily the low sky raining Over tower'd Camelot; Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, And round about the prow she wrote The Lady of Shalott. And down the river's dim expanse-- Like some bold seer in a trance, Seeing all his own mischance-- With a glassy countenance Did she look to Camelot. And at the closing of the day She loosed the chain, and down she lay; The broad stream bore her far away, The Lady of Shalott. Lying, robed in snowy white That loosely flew to left and right-- The leaves upon her falling light-- Thro' the noises of the night She floated down to Camelot: And as the boat-head wound along The willowy hills and fields among, They heard her singing her last song, The Lady of Shalott. Heard a carol, mournful, holy, Chanted loudly, chanted lowly, Till her blood was frozen slowly, And her eyes were darken'd wholly, Turn'd to tower'd Camelot; For ere she reach'd upon the tide The first house by the water-side, Singing in her song she died, The Lady of Shalott. Under tower and balcony, By garden-wall and gallery, A gleaming shape she floated by, A corse between the houses high, Silent into Camelot. Out upon the wharfs they came, Knight and burgher, lord and dame, And round the prow they read her name, The Lady of Shalott. Who is this? and what is here? And in the lighted palace near Died the sound of royal cheer; And they cross'd themselves for fear, All the knights at Camelot: But Lancelot mused a little space; He said, "She has a lovely face; God in his mercy lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott. by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1842)
‘I wandered lonely as a cloud,/ That floats on high o’er vales and hills/ And all at once, I saw a crowd/ A host of golden daffodils,/ Beside the lake, beneath the trees/ Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.’
Do you notice how “fluttering” destroy the rhythm of the poem? It’s impossible to make the line scan, if you pronounce “fluttering” as a trisyllabic word and that’s what Wordsworth intended of course. “Dee-dum dee-dum, dee-dum dee-dum,” and suddenly, that rhythm is shattered, when he sees the fluttering and dancing daffodils and the chaos of nature.
What do you do for a living?
Nothing, doll. Tracie’s a good-time girl.
How does she pay for this place?
SHE doesn’t.
Who does?
Yes, darling, Simon, the most boring man on the planet. Simon, who couldn’t get a wank in a brothel.
What does he do?
Teaches English.
Does he like it?
Hates it. He’s currently teaching romantic poetry otherwise known as Dee-dem-shite. “O the mind, mind, has mountains, cliffs of fall,/ Frightful, sheer, no-man travelled/ Hold them cheap, Who ne’er hung there/ Nor dies long our durance deal with that steep, deep. Here! Creep!” That’s a poem, That’s what he longs to teach. But no it’s “dee-dum, dee-dum, dee-fucking-dum.”
I won’t ask for yours. Married men don’t give them out.
What makes you think I’m married?
A lifetime’s experience, lovely. Got married too early, couldn’t go against the grain, had to demonstrate your heterosexuality. And now you find yourself in a loveless marriage, life passing you by that nagging voice at the back of your mind asking, “Oh, is this all there is?” But you’ll never leave her. So you snatch at chances like this, a chance to explore. No harm in that, so long as nobody finds out of course. Well, Tony, my love, your secret’s safe with me.
‘Willows whiten,/ Aspens quiver/ Little breezed dusk and shiver/ Through the wave that runs forever/ By the island in the river,/ Flowing down to Camelot/ Four grey walls and four grey towers/ Overlook a space of flowers/ And the silent isle imbibers The Lady of Shalott/ By the margin willow veiled/ Slide the heavy barges trailed by slow horses and unhailed/ The shallop flitteth, silken-sail’d/ Skimming down to Camelot./ A bow shot from her bower-eaves/ He rode between the barley sheaves/ The sun came down dazzling through the leaves. And flamed upon the brazen greaves’
剧情有点太扯了 比较刻意的感觉
神剧本,神演员,音乐也是亮点。第一集那些诗句,第三第四集的衔接,第二集最后那一幕。最惊艳的自然是Sean Bean这个transvestite,哭得最狠的是第二集,最爱的是第三集,在塑造了一个危险幻想者的同时更塑造了一个“印证幻想”的继母形象,生生把观众带入了主角的精神世界。
独立故事最喜欢E2,E3E4连起来看有点像criminal justice. E1的异装癖自我世界大亮。最感动的是E4。从剧本演员到OST没一个让人失望的,苏格兰音美瞎了...
shit shit shit这季怎么只有四集!shit shit shit最后一集好虐!
ep1豆叔乃好妩媚ojz ep2 又是熟脸儿大集合。。安娜阿姨演技忒好看的心都快被揉死 ep3 贱卷的小衬衫都好好看>< 然后找的弟弟完全跟他俩面相 估计不是亲生ojz 后妈一张天然鸟岛盛产的slut脸真特码腻歪人 ep4 嘛。。觉得最后内样儿做挺没意义啊完全表现主义了-,-