In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job within IAB, and Lt. Shannon from IAB tells Lt. Fancy that he may know the person who killed Salvo.
热播电视剧最新电影白塔之光叶卡捷琳娜大帝第三季村长打工搏击王国第一季20世纪少年:第二部 最后的希望007之女王密使英语错误教育天才基本法夜曲角色2021拜拜,我的朋友爱国者游戏小汉克和垃圾车拯救圣诞节局中人第二季精忠岳飞纯情罗曼史OAD恍惚的人迈向未来的倒数10秒国家形象邱少云魔法奇缘历史有意思:北大叶炜讲唐朝异形浩劫1971沙滩上的夏娃