In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job within IAB, and Lt. Shannon from IAB tells Lt. Fancy that he may know the person who killed Salvo.
热播电视剧最新电影暗哨战火中的卢浮宫毛骨悚然撞鬼经2011夏季特别篇哥斯拉之龙战四海幻影英雄Eddie Elise孤独的美食家 第七季兰娅传奇转生贵族靠着鉴定技能一飞冲天第二季茨厂街女王八国联军小镇2016即兴爵士万湖会议县厅招待课迷你偶像侦探左文字进8 鹤富姬传说金丝雀2004幸运星卢克知情太多的人人所期待的喜悦妙警贼探第二季耶稣传1979妈妈别走