When a massive explosion tears a hole in a 747 over Hawaii, nine passengers strapped to their seats are sucked out of the cabin. With two engines on fire, the flight crew somehow manages to turn the crippled plane around to land in Honolulu. And though investigators immediately suspect an act of terrorism is to blame, the search for answers ultimately leads to a deadly short circuit.
热播电视剧最新电影通往夏天的隧道,离别的出口好角色出包王女第一季吸血怪魔邮件门迷你刀使特别任务修正案:为美国而战伏魔济公六胞胎初来乍到第四季异人之下残酷的梦幽灵一族恋爱进化论寂静的召唤康子与健儿神探夏洛克 第四季强迫男的一天王妃万福吓死人了琴场高手之灵魂暴走继母与女儿的蓝调2022年谨贺新年SP夜来香伯德里纳特的新娘龙行天下3号房死去的女孩