On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad times in their survival, but the worst ends up being a poisonous bite that Maxwell receives. He thinks he's going to die, but luckily for him, Fran watched daytime television in the past which gave her the necessary skills to tend to his illness. Meanwhile, they are noticed missing when the yacht docked at its first port without them. The Sheffield kids, Sylvia and Niles fear the worst. After a week of the Coast Guard not being able to locate any sign of Fran and Maxwell dead or alive, C.C. decides to take matters into her own hands.
仅剩一口的青春强军爱在人间2019癫狂之旅 第二季密室2之不可靠岸来自另一个星球的女孩走出蓝水河舞台剧第三季热血高校2雷霆沙赞!(国语版)愤怒的马赫什摘苹果的时候包公侠义传布劳涅森林的女人们时限三天爱上我天剑绝刀 (下)空中浩劫 第九季京城镖局七星镇二妖再生之地宵夜江湖第2季醉拳苏乞儿铿锵铁骨意大利式通奸(国语版)美人鱼抱紧我2021我的好朋友黑漆漆再造之恩妈妈不再摇滚龙之心4:心火之战外星生命 第二季彗星之夜四川好人创业公司第一季仿真之境:死亡、谎言和互联网李碧华鬼魅系列:奇幻夜战门熊出没之夏日连连看全球风暴比佛利拜金狗2异色国度:出逃之旅重启之极海听雷 第二季